© 2004 Beth Teele-Haidinger

last updated: June 25, 2015

Past news from LMA president

Submitted June 6, 2006 by Dave Mauk

Meddybemps Lake level report from the ASC - June 6:

The lake is entirely full. The dam has been opened to 12" to compensate for the recent and anticipated rain. We are checking the dam as often as needed (pretty much daily for now), and will adjust the dam to maintain a full lake.

We anticipate holding the lake level at or very near full until at least July 1 (per guidelines of water management plan). At this point, depending upon flow needs of the river we will draw down the lake to the extent we need to maintain desirable flows in the Dennys River.

The recent heavy rains, and possibly of more coming later this week, have completely recovered the lake from the low spring levels and have put us in good shape to maintain a full lake going into the summer. This allows us to manage both the lake and the river more effectively.

Greg Mackey
Fisheries Scientist

Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission

Submitted May 24, 2006

Greetings All -
Those of you living in New England have no doubt cursed the downpour you've received the past month. It however, has been responsible for  raising the level of Meddybemps Lake quite a bit. Here's a recap of  the latest report from ASC.

As of 22 May the drawdown is 6". This is a great improvement due to  14" more lake depth since the last update (yes, all that rain!). The lake is in a much stronger position for the hot weather to come.  More moisture between now & July will further improve the situation for the summer season.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in just a few months. Best of health & happiness until then -

president, LMA

Submitted April 14, 2006

I recently received the following report from Greg Mackey of the ASC.  It speaks for itself.

Please pass along any concerns or issues you believe the LMA might address during 2006. I'll start by offering one: shoreline development & code enforcement. Thanks for your continuing involvement & support. Best regards to all as Winter melts into Spring.

Dave Mauk
president, LMA

*    *    *
Meddybemps Lake level status:
The 2005/2006 winter had a tremendous amount of rain and no snow.  We checked and adjusted the dam frequently to keep the lake at a manageable level for the winter (trying to keep about a 20" drawdown). Unfortunately, most of the rain fell in the early winter, and we had no snowpack at all. March was extremely dry.
Beginning in February (4" gate setting), and then more aggressively in early March (2" gate setting), we attempted to store water for the spring.  Lack of rain and snowpack has resulted in the lake holding steady, rather than gaining water.
As of 11 April, 2006, the lake drawdown was 20". The gate was set to 1" on this date.
If we continue with dry weather, the lake level will start the summer season well below the desired full lake level. However, we can still catch up if the spring precipitation comes.
I will keep you updated as the season progresses.
Greg Mackey
Fisheries Scientist
Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission

2012 Dennys River and Lake Meddybemps Water Management, by Colby Bruchs

Photos from Pete from the Superfund Site - Indian Tribute, Sept. 2012.

For a peek at what is being sold by the LMA, click here

Ice above Town dock - 4.4.13

Ice below Town Dock - 4.4.13

Open water above camp - 4.4.13

Denny's River at canal mouth - 4.5.13

Denny's River upstream to bridge - 4.5.13

Broken ice and open water above dock - 4.5.13